Remix Contest Marketing Platform CLIENT PRODUCT OF GIANT STEP LAUNCHED 2012 – Present
Read OnPet Comics Contest App CLIENT SCOOPYBAGS.COM LAUNCHED 2015-on (in progress) Visit The Site
Read OnOnline Community / Forums CLIENT YOUNG INVENTORS INTERNATIONAL LAUNCHED 2003 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Non-profit organization helping inventors * 2,000 members, holding 700 patents * Online community for young inventors
Read OnFilm Site & Social Network CLIENT Artesian Films LAUNCHED 2015 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Custom responsive website for documentary feature film * Custom social network site for musicians and fans * Music remix contest using ComicReply * PR and social media marketing PROJECT SUMMARY INDUSTRY Entertainment, Media, Music AUDIENCE General Audience TECHNOLOGY HTML,CSS, Javascript, WordPress DELIVERABLES TV Ad, In-Theatre Ad, Video, Web Site SERVICES Website
Read OnBrand-able Social Media Platform CLIENT M:30 COMMUNICATIONS (for AT&T Rock The Vote) LAUNCHED 2009 Visit The Site > Co-produced a social networking platform > Launched with many features > Customized for AT&T Rock the Vote for the 2008 US Election at and > Created sponsor pages for Toyota and many pop stars HIGHLIGHTS * Created a new social networking media platform * Includes many of the features of other networks such as Facebook / MySpace * First client was AT&T Rock the Vote * Included in the official site Giant Step and SDI worked with M:30 Communications to create the Yoozur system. PROJECT SUMMARY INDUSTRY Entertainment, Media AUDIENCE General Public, Youth, Young Adult TECHNOLOGY HTML, Flash, Flex Builder, PHP, MySQL DELIVERABLES Website, Content Management System (CMS), Online Community, User Accounts SERVICES User Interface (Ui), Web Design, Web Development, Database Architecture, Content Production
Read OnYouth Magazine: Online Edition CLIENT THE DISH ( acquired by NBC / Universal ) PARTNER TORONTO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD LAUNCHED 2006 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Digital marketing strategy for a print publication * Circulation 22,000 through Toronto high schools * Online community website for teenagers * Photo galleries, video streams, games, contests * Thriving teen sports / culture discussion forum * Company acquired by NBC/Universal Canada * Major advertisers: Reebok, French Connection ABOUT THE PROJECT THE DISH started off as the only private newspaper covering basketball and high school life in Toronto. Written for students by students, THE DISH is all about high school and teenage life. In the summer of 2005, Giant Step was asked to develop the online strategy and deployment for THE DISH. At the time the paper had a circulation of 22,000 printed copies going to all 100+ Toronto high schools every month. THE DISH planned to expand the business by building an online edition that will provide students with more content, an online community, increase the company's advertising revenue and allow THE DISH to become an online re-seller of products and services to the high school demographic (13-19 year old). Giant Step developed a […]
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