Photo Galleries for Manufacturer of Industrial Equipment CLIENT RADONIC RODGERS (for WARD INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT INC.) LAUNCHED 2006 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Manufactures equipment for industrial uses ( i.e. conveyors and elevators for mining ) * Website updates and added features * Product photo galleries
Read OnWebsite for a Plastic Bag Manufacturer CLIENT ZOHAR GROUP LAUNCHED 2010 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Web presence for plastics manufacturer * Two factories in Quebec, Canada * Site available in English and French * Product catalog, videos, news + more * Design and development
Read OnWebsite for International Produce Distributor CLIENT RADONIC RODGERS (for CATANIA WORLDWIDE) LAUNCHED 2006 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Corporate web presence for global distributor * An established, 75 year-old international brand * Design by Radonic Rodgers Communications * Web development and animation by Giant Step * Interactive map, updatable charts, photo galleries ABOUT THE PROJECT Catania is a 75 year old company, specializing in the cultivation and distribution of specialty fruits. Catania imports and exports produce all around the world and has many offices worldwide. Catania needed a corporate web presence for the company, as well as various micro-sites for international branches. In collaboration with Radonic Rodgers Communications, Giant Step developed very attractive websites for the company. The corporate web presence included an interactive animated map featuring Catania's import and export routes, an easily updatable product availability chart, updatable photo galleries and animated Catania's company logo for the web.
Read OneCommerce Site for Car Brakes & Rotors CLIENT AREION BRAKES LAUNCHED 2014 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Designed and developed the brand's website (using Shopify) * Enhanced the brand's online identity and general visual design
Read OnAutomotive Diagnostics Scan Tool CLIENT BLUE STREAK ELECTRONICS LAUNCHED 2014 - Present Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * eCommerce site for vehicle scan tool and accessories * Used by auto shops and mechanics * Support USA and Asian vehicle models
Read OnRe-manufacturer of Vehicle Electronic Parts CLIENT BLUE STREAK ELECTRONICS LAUNCHED 2014 - Present Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Designed and developed the brand's website (using WordPress) * Enhanced the brand's online identity and general visual design * Produced product sales collateral * On-going marketing inititives
Read OnAssociation of Tour Bus Operators CLIENT RADONIC RODGERS (for MOTORS COACH CANADA) LAUNCHED 2006 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * United voice of tour bus + related operators * Web presence for a national association * Content management, photo galleries
Read OnBoutique Travel Agency Website & Print Ads CLIENT CONNORS & CO. TRAVEL LAUNCHED 2004 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Web presence for boutique travel agency that designs unique travel arrangements ( i.e. honeymoon in the side fo a volcano ) * Print ad best-seller at WCM auction * Digital strategy for fashionable travel boutique * Online presence, integrated branding ABOUT THE PROJECT Connors & Co. Travel designs custom travel packages for people who look for unique and affordable vacations. Located in fashionable Yorkville, Connors designs unique adventures, honeymoons, group trips and incentive tours. In order to maintain a presence on the internet, Connors and Co. Travel needed a unique web site to attract potential clients and tempt current clients with unique and unusual trip plans. Working closely with the owners Giant Step reviewed Connors and Co.'s brand imagery and business expansion plans, and developed an internet strategy that would extend their current operations. The solution included a web site design that took a fashion-based direction, taking advantage of the company's Yorkville location and their customers' design preferences. The web site design merges perfectly with the Connors' office interior design, leading to a strong corporate image that is memorable and exciting.
Read OnClothes Recycling & Swapping Site CLIENT CLOTHE YOUR CITY LAUNCHED 2011 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Created the online presence for a clothes recycling company * Designed the corporate identity, logo, website, business cards, promotional flyers, poster, T-shirt and other marketing collateral * Created a basic online clothes-swapping system Note: the site is being updated and maintained by another company
Read OneCommerce Site for Beauty & Cosmetics Brand CLIENT ELIZABETH GRANT INTERNATIONAL LAUNCHED 2009 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Re-launched eCommerce site * Upgraded shopping cart, catalog + more * Easier to use and manage the online store
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