Toronto Talks /
Web Presence for Monthly Speaking Series

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"Giant Step understood our strategic goals and translated them into successful, technically creative solutions, while supporting us every step of the way"
- John Klotz, Chair, Toronto Talks
* Digital Marketing for a monthly business event
* 50-100 attendees/month for over 8 years running
* Custom Content Management System (CMS)
* Online calendar, presentations, discussion forum
* Email newsletter marketing using ThinData EMS
* Digital marketing strategy for financial planners
* Produced financial mentoring / resources site
* Generating leads through surveys and events
* Generating sales for financial service companies
Toronto Talks is a speaking series that provides members the opportunity to hear from Toronto's leading experts in the fields of Internet and E-Commerce, Management, Leadership skills, Personal Development and Business Development skills.
After three years in operation, Toronto Talks needed a new look and a more functional web site that is more helpful for its growing membership base. While updating the site, the founders wanted to use the latest in digital marketing to generate more leads from the events.
Giant Step developed a scalable design for Toronto Talks including a newsletter registration, testimonials, affiliate association links, as well as all of the information about past events and useful articles. also links to became an online mentoring web site, with a focus on personal finances. In conjunction with Toronto Talks, the site was developed to generate leads for LMS Prolink and other financial service companies.
Giant Step designed an original layout for the site, and included many online features including a chat system allowing visitors to get some advice right on the site and schedule meetings with a mentor.
Other features include online surveys, financial calculators, an updatable calendar of events, as well as a financial news feed, and a secure web-based site updating feature.
The strategy works, helps build up attendance at the events and and generates on-going leads and sales for financial planning services. >