WordPress Site for Special Event CLIENT ANCESTORS' DAY LAUNCHED 2014 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * A day to celebrate our ancestors * Website to promote the day and events
Read OneCommerce for Annual Conference Registrations CLIENT SOCIETY OF ONTARIO ADJUDICATORS & REGULATORS LAUNCHED 2006/7/8/9/10 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Society of Ontario Justice Administrators * Online registration for conferences * Supporting ticket sales and operations
Read OnPet Comics Contest App CLIENT SCOOPYBAGS.COM LAUNCHED 2015-on (in progress) Visit The Site
Read OnGrocery List App CLIENT GBOT LAUNCHED 2014 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Co-designed and developed a mobile app in HTML5 / PhoneGap * Developed for Android and iOS * The app is designed to help shoppers manage grocery lists and compare prices.
Read OnPrototype (MVP) for the Toronto Experience App CLIENT VENUE TORONTO LAUNCHED 2013 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Co-designed and developed a mobile app in HTML5 / PhoneGap * This was the Prototype / Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for Android and iOS * The app features Toronto venues and enables finding locations by mood.
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