Clean Freak Patrol press release
“Clean is the New Chocolate” – Educational Fun for Fundraising!
TORONTO, ON, January 31, 2007 — Clean Freak Patrol wants to make school fundraising sales a healthy, positive experience for students. The traditional fundraising sales campaign has students selling oversized chocolate bars to raise money for school activities and programs; Clean Freak Patrol thinks this type of campaign is counter-productive to educator’s attempts to impress upon students the necessity of healthy dietary choices. Clean Freak Patrol is offering schools the opportunity to change the way their schools raise funds by offering Clean Freak Patrol Brand Hand Sanitizing Gel as a fundraising product. This is a pre-retail offer to schools, teachers, day cares, and youth organizations. This special offer allows organizations to purchase Clean Freak Patrol hand sanitizer at the reduced price of $1.40 (retail price $2.49) or less for bulk purchases.
Clean Freak Patrol Hand Sanitizer is a non-alcohol, lightly scented hand lotion available in four cartoon character shaped containers that are fun for kids. Clean Freak Patrol uses an assortment of characters to help teach children about proper hygiene and the invisible ‘MicroWorld’ of germs and bacteria that share the planet with us. Clean Freak Patrol not only wants to keep children healthy and germ free, but also wants to educate children and reduce their fear of some of the frightening health issues that are prominent in the media today.
Clean Freak Patrol is currently beginning a Public Service education campaign in conjunction with Hope For Health ( The Clean Freak Patrol Public Service Announcements will feature the Clean Freak Patrol cartoon characters and encourage people to maintain proper hand hygiene practices to prevent the spread of germs. The 15 and 30 second spots were produced in collaboration with The Creative Marketing Network ( and Toronto Agency Giant Step ( and will begin appearing on television in the coming months.
Clean Freak Patrol is also encouraging students to help ‘Spread the Word, Not the Germs’ by signing up for their Germ Elimination Contest. The contest is being held through their website at Students can sign up and send e-cards that remind their friends that washing their hands can help reduce the spread of germs, each e-card sent earns contestants points towards winning prizes.
It is the goal of Clean Freak Patrol to make a positive change in the world and help stop the spread of illness by teaching young people about serious global health issues in a low anxiety, child friendly way. Children are constantly barraged by the ‘adult’ media’s stories on things like H5N1 ‘Bird Flu’ and SARS, Clean Freak Patrol believes that it is important for children to have a safe place where they can learn about germs and the spread of illness, a place removed from the adult media’s fear based reports. We hope will allow children to learn and understand the ‘Micro-world’ that surrounds them.
Michael Morris, President of Clean Freak Patrol Ltd. is currently available for interviews.
For videos of the Clean Freak Patrol-sponsored PSAs, visit
Spread the Word – Not the Germs! Visit
Hope for Health ( is a non-profit charity organization focused on raising money for medical research. Hope for Health was founded in the fall of 2000 by Toronto dentist Dr. Erle Strauss who was successfully treated after facing a severe case of high grade Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Clean Freak Patrol Ltd. ( is a for-profit, socially-conscious, cause-related manufacturer and marketer of health care products for the youth and adult market. A portion of all sales of the CLEAN FREAK PATROLTM brand are donated to charity.
The Creative Marketing Network (CMN) ( is a value-added network of professionals who use CMN’s STAR Planning methodology with their clients to achieve maximum results with minimum resources. Over the past 20 years CMN has been the Marketing Agency of Record for major corporations including Microsoft Canada, IBM, Apple Computer, NEC and ATI.
Giant Step ( helps businesses get the most out of their marketing and corporate communications. By combining business strategy, experience design, and industry-leading technologies, Giant Step delivers innovative and profitable customer experiences through multiple channels including the web, print, television, radio, events and the press.